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Lengkap - Bank Soal Sekolahku UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD/MI 2018/2019 |
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Berikut ini Bank Soal Sekolahku UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD/MI 2018/2019 dapat di unduh dengan GRATIS di bawah ini :
A. Choose the best answer by crossing (x) a,b or c !
1. (Gbr kopi)
What is it? It is …
a. A glass of milk
b. A glass of tea
c. A glass of coffee
2. Do you like noodle?
a. No, i do
b. No, i do not
c. Yes, i do not
3. S-H-I-F
a. Hifs
b. Fish
c. Shif
4. (Gbr daging)
A : Is it a fish?
B : …
a. Yes, it is
b. No, it is
c. No, it is not
5. Amir has breakfast with a plate of …
a. Rice
b. Burger
c. Milk
6. Banana in Indonesia is …
a. Salak
b. Pepaya
c. Pisang
7. GR_P_
a. A-E
b. E-A
c. I-E
8. The name of fruit, except …
a. Orange
b. Banana
c. Milk
9. Apples-Those-are-six
a. Apples those are six
b. Those are six apples
c. Aplles six are those
10. I like starfruit. Saya suka …
a. Belimbing
b. Mangga
c. Jeruk
11. (Gbr labu)
A : Do she like pumkin?
B : …
a. No, i do not
b. No, i do
c. Yes, i do
12. (Gbr jamur)
A : What is this?
B : This is …
a. Mushroom
b. Spinach
c. Eggplant
13. The name of vegetable is a …
a. Mango
b. Broccoli
c. Tea
14. G-A-B-A-B-E-C
It is …
a. Eggplant
b. Broccoli
c. Cabbage
15. Like-I-tomato-juice
a. Tomato juice i like
b. I like tomato juice
c. I like juice tomato
16. Do you have a snake?
a. Yes, i have
b. No, i don't have
c. No, i do
17. A : … ?
B : That is potato
a. What is that?
b. What is this?
c. What is it?
18. (Gbr unta)
It is a …
a. Pig
b. Lion
c. Camel
19. A … have four legs
a. Bird
b. Swan
c. Tiger
20. I don't have leg
My body is long
Who am i?
a. Deer
b. Rhinocheros
c. Snake
21. How many months are there in a year?
a. Eleven
b. Twelve
c. Thirteen
22. The third month of the year is …
a. January
b. July
c. May
22. After june is …
a. July
b. September
c. August
23. February comes … march
a. Until
b. Before
c. After
24. Sebelum in English is …
a. Before
b. After
c. Until
25. Twelve plus eight is …
a. Sixteen
b. Fourteen
c. Twenty
B. Fill in the blanks!
1. (Gbr donut) it is a …
2. Gian has breakfast with a glass of …
3. What is the meaning of grape?
4. A : What … do you like?
B : I like mango
5. The name of green vegetable is a …
6. Rabbit likes …
7. A … likes meat
8. It has long neck.
It eat leaves
What animal is it ? …
9. The six month of the year is …
10. B-N-O-R-V-E-M
It is …
C. Answer the questions !
1. you-like-Do-chicken-?
Answer :
2. Mentions four of fruits !
Answer :
3. Translate to Indonesia !
a. Mother cooks cabbages in the kitchen
b. This is a cucumber
Answer :
4. Mentions 4 wild animal !
Answer :
5. Mentions twelve month are there in a year !
Answer :
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